Type your city/state and/or zip code and see how visible your practice is for the terms your customers are using to find an optometrist in your community. Very cool!

Search By City and State

City:     State:   

Or Search By Zip Code

Zip Code:

optometrist – 22,126 searches/day
eye doctor – 12,099 searches/day
eye exam – 5,425 searches/day
contact lenses – 60,164 searches/day

Picture 4

But Wait, There’s More

Having your business listing (not your website) show up on multiple search sites is only the beginning. Persuading potential patients to call or visit your office takes more effort. You must be able to

  • Create a favorable impression through your business listing on the Internet.
  • Monitor and maintain your reputation.
  • Use your reputation to generate trust and encourage people to visit your office.

You can do all of these things with a simple business listing on the Internet.

Here’s the Best Part

1152188_frame_on_eye_chartOnce you’ve optimized and publicized your business listing, it gets more powerful and more persuasive with every passing day. So, unlike the Yellow Pages where your listing is only good for one year, your listing on the Internet is good forever … and it doesn’t cost a penny to maintain.

What Do I Do Now!

If your practice is not showing up for the most common terms patients use to find an eye doctor, you can do one of three things.

1. Do It Yourself

It took us a long time and a lot of experience to learn how to do local search marketing right and avoid the potentially damaging potholes. Because of that, we tried to add as much information as possible to our site to help you get started. Bon appetite

2. Ask For Help

There are local search marketing specialists who can do this for you. Be very, very careful who you hire however because you’re going to have give them your user names and passwords. If the process seems too difficult or risky, we can help.
Consider our Silver Package.

3. Have Us Work With Your Staff Or Speak At Your Next Convention

We can teach you and/or your staff how to use your business listing to generate even more business. Consider our Gold Package. Or, suggest that we speak at your next convention and learn how to build your business with your peers.

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