Local Search Marketing is not something we (or anyone else) can do without your assistance. There are certain things we can and will do to insure that your business listing is optimized for the search engines and publicized on the Internet. Your job is to provide us with the information we request and consistently gather business citations and positive reviews. We will show you how to do both.
Step 1: Gather Basic Business Information
We will request specific information from you concerning your business. We will use that information to optimize your business listing. The information is divided into three parts. Some of the information we request is mandatory and some is voluntary. (Do everything you can to get us the voluntary information we request. It’s not that hard to get and it makes a big difference.)
Part 1: Business name, address, telephone number, hours of operation, payment method, local landmarks, website address (if you have one) etc. Mandatory
Part 2: The top 10 words or phrases you think your customers are using to find the products and services you offer in order of the most profitable products and/or services first. Mandatory
Part 3: Photographs, videos, customer referrals and potential citation sites. Voluntary but strongly recommended
Step 2: Optimize Your Business Listing
We will take the information you provide and optimize it for the search sites. This includes:
- Checking your business listing to make sure it is accurate across the Internet.
- Researching the actual words your customers are using to find the products and services you provide when they search with local intent. (very, very important)
- Select the most profitable categories for your business listing.
- Write a keyword rich description of your business using local landmarks and other geographic identifiers.
Step 3: Get Your Authorization On Our Optimization Efforts
We will show you what we’ve done and explain why we optimized your business listing as we did. We will do this before we submit your business listing to the search engines and local search sites. This step will only take place after you’ve authorized our work.
Step 4: Gather Citations and Five Star Reviews
This is where your work begins. At this point you’re going to need to do the following
- Identify local and industry specific website that would be willing to list your business on their site. We will show you where to look for these sites and how to request a citation.
- Gather positive reviews from happy customers and help them place those reviews on industry specific review sites. We will show you how to do this as well.
Step 5: Watch, Wait And Bask In Your New Business
Depending on a variety of factors, you could start to see results in as little as a week or in as long as six months. Either way, you will see results. That’s the nature of local search. The key to making this work is to have a more optimized business listing for the products and services you provide than your competition in your community. In order to do this, we must work together.